Monday, February 1, 2010

Glow in the Dark Sports

Today i went to a mini golf arena called Glo Puttz. You basically play golf in a glow in the dark place. End of story. buhh bai.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Avatar; The Blue Monkeys

I recently saw the movie Avatar in 3-D. Not Avatar the last Airbender..just Avatar. This film in my perspective is rated an 11 on a 1-10 scale. The best thing about it was the high quality and surround sound. Also the fiction elements were very nice. Like in the nighttime, when the natives stepped on the trees and pattered around, the ground lit up a green neon. The other plot behind the story was that the stuff lighting up was actually a very valuable element that cost about 20 million dollars per ounce. The worst part, which my whole family agreed with, was the language. Even though this movie has a charming story line, the bad words are everywhere.


Word of the Day- basalmic

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve?

Do you often find yourself restless on Christmas Eve? What is it that keeps us awake? Even when you haven't had that extra dose of caffeine you seem to be as hyperactive as ever. It's not just the anticipation of opening presents either, its the sense that the next morning is CHRISTMAS. The holiday almost everyone celebrates is near and waking up in the morning smelling the orange rolls and bacon is what really gets me going! Then everyone seems just so happy and cheerfull its hard not for Christmas to be your favorite holiday. So tell me what gets you going on Christmas, what makes you enjoy it so much??

Also, here's something that is really cool. with this website you can see where Santa is headed! Even though its not really all true, its still fun to see where "santas been" and you can even watch some of the videos of the places he's visited! From Germany to South Carolina to Alaska, they've got it all. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Corn Maze

My experience at the corn maze was far better than I had remembered it at a young age. Our church group went for an activity and i took along my best friend. When we got there, the lady at the concession stand called out my name in joy and told me to come there. She embraced me reminding me she babysat for me when I first moved here. Then we went into the corn maze...and it wasn't supposed to be scary cause the scary part closed after Halloween. Well,our church leaders decided to make it interesting and dressed up in can probably see where this is going but I will tell you I was terrified and the other three people with me were too. We all ran out of the corn maze(back to the entrance) and we even went back. After there were more people who scared us, we decided we had gotten our share of surprise. Then we went on the cow train,which is made for tiny kids, but we didn't care. It was great and it jogged my memory of the corn maze.After that me and my best friend dove into a big barrel of corn which is completely pointless but we started a corn fight!(kinda like a food fight) Then there was a big inflatable tarp that you can jump on!! We slid down it, walked up it,jumped on it, and fell off many times. My friend and I even got in some tether ball after that.Then, my favorite part, was the barn swing. The barn swing is when this guy straps you up real tight, makes you lean against his arm,and releases you. You go flying everywhere in the barn! It was a great experience, now i want to go to the maze EVERY year!!!(:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sick Remedies

Ahh, the autumtine is rolling around, perfect time to get sick. Yes, I have a stuffy nose, a cold, a fever,etc. I was thinking of all the things I do when I'm sick and thought I'd share them with all of you. 1. i go outside for a little, and breathe some good air. 2. i only eat crackers and soups. 3. i drink hot tea (herbal) 4. i refrain from candy, little fluids, no sleep. 5. I read, write, blog :) 6. I google other things that will help me. 7. If i watch TV, i turn the volume down so my mind doesn't get really stressed when I have a fever. There are many ways to help your body be healthy again, and some people suggest very strange things to help you feel better when I pretty much just stick with the basics. Is there anything you would like to share with us that helps you? Be welcome to share. And...stay healthy!! Byee!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Whataburger Goes All Out With Orange!

Like the link I shared on my post yesterday, you may know that Whataburger had their anniversary today! Where I live, you can recieve a free burger by wearing orange today within the hours givin. (5-8 p.m.) I went with my mom and when we came in we were suprised we weren't the only ones decked in orange! All around this fast food place, people were wearing orange clothing items! Luckily I had my camera with me so I took some pictures! There isn't a particular topic today, except how convienient this happened for my blog! Conveinience is always strange! What do you think?

Word Of The Day: burger- American extracted from ham+burger

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Christmas Carol

Tonight for family night my family raced over to our local movie theatre to see the raved about "A Christmas Carol" With the voice of Jim Cary as old Scrooge. This has always been one of my all time favorite Christmas classics with the real-life people. This time, it's animated in 3-D. But of course my family, being my family, thought a 2-D experience would be just as good(especially my dad who likes saving money) So, we didn't get the full decked out journey but it was still three times as good as any Christmas Carol I've ever seen, with added effects, you actually feel like your soaring through this movie WITHOUT 3-D GLASSES. The people looked real, their hair, their faces, even their acne. It was also an added effect because we happened to be the only ones in the theatre, so we would pretend like we were flying in some parts or we would reach out our hands to "touch" things we knew would be presentable to us in 3-D. Another perk of the isolated theatre was that after the movie i provided entertainment by running through each isle, spinning, dancing, twisting this way and that to "God Bless Us, Everyone." of course my parents enjoyed this and gave me a round of applause when I was finished and breathing quite hard. We left happy, with full stomachs and bladders due to the large popcorn and extra large sodas. At the end, we all agreed, even my dad, that this movie would've been better in 3-D. :) but we all had fun, and I reccomend this movie highly (maybe just not as soon as we watched it. it would be more pleasing to watch closer to Christmastime in my opinion.)

Phrase Of The Day: Bah humbug!